He escaped a prison sentence by reason of unsound mind at the time the crime was committed.
He pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.
He has pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity.
Hormes was pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to charges of murder and attempted murder.
A Colorado judge today accepted a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity from James Holmes.
She was unhappy by reason of her virtue, and even more unhappy by reason of her weakness.
她因自己的美德不幸, 因她的软弱更加不幸。
By reason of this realism, he realized his mind should be readjusted.
His ignoble face had become hideous by reason of his terror.
The idlers who had followed to the spot by reason of the tragedy were all gone now.
之前因为惨案跟在原地的闲人, 此时全都不见了。
It is by reason of the existence of durable equipment that the economic future is linked to the present.
耐用设备的存在, 经济的未来与现在联系在一起。
They were very cheerful scoundrels, and really very remarkable by reason of their subtlety, their courage, and their coolness.
One is requested in Paris by reason of the qualities not of one's self but of one's carriage.
在巴黎需要一个人, 不是因为一个人自身的品质, 是因为一个人的风度。
Julien approached successively the several groups and attracted no attention by reason of his lack of importance.
连先后走近几群人, 因为他不重要, 所以没有引起注意。
It was seldom known whether he was at home or abroad, by reason of his frequent seclusion at the column.
In his bewilderment Phillotson entered the adjacent cathedral, just now in a direly dismantled state by reason of the repairs.
Phillotson 不知所措地走进了附近的大教堂,维修,它现在处严重拆除的状态。
When he got up to go, the marquis apologised for not being able to accompany him by reason of his gout.
He was as miserably isolated now as he had been when the service began–more isolated by reason of his unreplenished emptiness, his dead satiety.
On this particular day, whether or not by reason of some affectation on her part, she proved cruel to bores.
She was no beauty, and had suffered all her girlhood by reason of the same, being set aside and looked down on.
她长得不是美人, 因此受尽了少女时代的苦难, 被排挤,被人看不起。
He had tears in his eyes, less by reason of the physical pain than on account of the loss of his beloved book.
他眼里含着泪水, 与其说是身体上的疼痛, 倒不如说是因为他心爱的书丢了。
She had been persuaded that by reason of all her advantages of birth, fortune, etc., she ought to be happier than any one else.
她被说服了, 她出身、财富等所有优势,她应该比任何人都幸福。